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Education is a foundation of society, and from nurseries and schools through to colleges, universities and adult learning establishments, Band Hatton Button are proud to have strong experience and a varied client base within the sector and region.

Advice we commonly give to clients within this sector can cover a range of issues, including:

Our team is experienced in dealing with the issues upon which our education-based clients require advice, whether this be specifically related to education law, or drawing on the advice we provide on the day-to-day issues which affect all organisations, including those referred to above.  We are confident that we will be able to provide sound legal advice that not only comes with years of experience in this sector, but also with a commercial edge, tailored to your situation.

For more information on how our Education team can help you, please contact Jon Wilby who leads our education offering.

Education Information Pack

Our various teams have compiled the below PDF documents for you to download, which we hope are useful for Education professionals.

Employment Law Guide - Contracts of Employment

Click to download

Employment Law Guide - Disciplinary Procedures

Click to download

Meet the Education Team

Click to download