Katie Ward
Why did you choose the law?
I studied Law & Politics at A Level and particularly enjoyed the legal side of the course. I knew from then on that perhaps I wouldn’t become an MP, so went to study Law at Keele University instead.
Tell us a bit about how you got here….
I obtained my law degree in 2005 and applied for a paralegal role at a local firm. This just so happened to be in residential conveyancing, and I loved it so much that I have been doing it ever since.
What does your day job look like?
I am Head of Residential Conveyancing and oversee the team to deliver a quality and client focused legal experience for our clients. I undertake a full range of residential conveyancing services including freehold, leasehold, re-mortgage, transfer of equity, shared ownership, unregistered, lease extensions, declaration of trusts, statutory declarations and deeds of easement etc.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I live in Northamptonshire with my husband and two children. We all enjoy our sport, and our weekends are taken up with football, rugby and tennis. I am the secretary of our school PTA and am also the captain of the ladies tennis team.