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Wills and Protection of Family Wealth Solicitors in Coventry

None of us knows what the future holds, but making a Will and getting practical, sensible advice on UK inheritance tax laws and about how best to pass on assets is an essential part of that planning process.

We can help clients to structure their Wills to protect their children, grandchildren and other heirs against creditor or divorce claims; we assist them in achieving their charitable aims tax-efficiently; and we enable them to make gifts and other transfers to keep the impact of gift and inheritance taxes to a minimum.

We understand that our clients are individuals and their circumstances may demand a Will that’s unique to them. Personal relationships, marriages and children, second marriages, business interests and property issues can sometimes mean that a Will needs to be more complex.

We can advise on all the options available and tailor the Will to the exact requirements of the client.

The right Will can be a strategic building block in the overall management of family wealth. Without a Will the laws of intestacy will determine who will receive someone’s estate on their death.

From simple to more complex estates, we can make the process of making a Will cost effective and straightforward.