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The myth of the Common law spouse

The myth of the Common law spouse

A recent survey by a leading family law team highlighted that the myth of the common law spouse still exists, the majority of people who were asked believed that couples living together had the same legal rights to married couples if they separated.

I know, in my own, practice, that this myth is still prevalent, so many clients tell me that they have been living with their partner for a number of years as common law spouses and are shocked to discover that that this concept does not exist and they do not have the legal rights that they expected. This is why it is so important that when a couple are moving in together that they take legal advice and set out what will happen to their finances and property in the form of a Cohabitation Agreement.

Helen is the head of our Family Law department, to find out more, please click here or get in touch.

Our Guide on 'buying together wisely' may also prove interesting reading.

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